The expedition motorcycle or E-bike often equals peace of mind for the Overland or Expedition Truck crew. The extra mobility motivates many to go to great lengths to get that rear bike platform or garage sorted. This article covers a few insights that may save your journey or even your life.
Agile Overland and Expedition Trucks
The idea to travel with a large Overland or Expedition Truck often evolves over a long period of time. The idea can stem from owning a (much) smaller conventional motorhome with a tiny living space. This with limited autonomy and capabilities to travel or stay in remote regions and colder climates. One slowly grows into the concept of what a large(r) truck can offer. The new found wealth of space often drives the discussions of how the future interior should look like. However, unexpected real-life consequences can emerge once the truck is finally there. This can have a significant impact on the long-anticipated world journey. -
New Expedition Truck Brokers website
After a year of developments our new website has been finally released.